Crowd Meaning in Telugu



Definition and Meaning of Crowd in Telugu

గుంపు, జన సమూహం, కిక్కిరుసుట

Pronunciation of Crowd

Crowd (kraʊd)

Usage of Crowd  in a Sentence

    • The crowd was very noisy.
    • She wants to stand out of the crowd.
    • Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.
    • The crowd applauded for five minutes.

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Crowd meaning in Telugu | Crowd తెలుగులో అర్థం | explained Crowd in Telugu

Synonyms of Crowd in Telugu

Assembly, Gathering, Horde, Multitude, Throng

Antonyms of Crowd in Telugu

Individual, Solitude, Isolation, Alone, Loneliness

Tags for Crowd Meaning in Telugu

Crowd Meaning in Telugu. Crowd Meaning in Telugu by KD. Meaning and definitions of Crowd . translation of Crowd in Telugu language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Crowd in English and in Telugu. What Crowd means in Telugu. Crowd meaning in Telugu. Crowd definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of Crowd in Telugu. Synonyms of Crowd in Telugu. Antonyms of Crowd in Telugu. Crowd in Telugu Dictionary. Crowd typing in Telugu. Thesaurus of Crowd in Telugu. Thesaurus of Crowd Meaning in Telugu.



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